To empower people in discovering healing relationships with food, fitness and body image through the unconditional love of God

Food Freedom Bible Study

Your Roadmap To Navigating A Non-Diet Lifestyle As A Believer.

Create peace with food and your body along side other believers.



In each video, Amy will help you redirect
your heart toward truth and lead you though scripture and three main principles.


Turn truth into transformation with our
helpful workbooks.


Whether you do this group online or in person this can lead to creating a community of believers that are all looking for peaceful relationship with food fitness and body image.

Course Curriculum


Meet the instructor…

Amy Ozier, PhD, RD

Amy is first and foremost a child of God. Along with that role, she is a wife to a hot hubby and also a mom to 3 amazing kids. Their youngest arrived home from China in 2019 through adoption. She has realized that all of us are adopted in the Kingdom thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. She is humbled to be a disciple who can share in the GOoD news about body, eating and movement. In Jesus name, she asks for freedom and peace for those who struggle with body and eating issues.

Although Amy is on a hiatus from her career in higher education to take care of family, she looks forward to returning to her profession as a RD. She is humbled to be a part of the Health At Every Size (HAES) movement and bring awareness that "everybody is a good body". Some of her past professional endeavors included Associate Professor at Northern Illinois University, corporate wellness RD, and research consultant. She believes that research, science, and a heart for God can make a powerful punch for the HAES paradigm.

Course Curriculum

1. Introductions

In our first week the goal is to get to know one another, creating a safe place to talk about food, fitness, and body image by talking through group guidelines. We will also spend some time sharing our experiences with dieting or our relationship with food. You would be surprised how much sharing can take place when you bring this subject up with a group of women! That alone can be very healing for people as they may have never had a “safe” place to do this before.

2. Be Diet-Free

This first module focuses on the harms of the diet culture we live in. Everywhere we look we are being told that thinness = beauty, success, and health. The 67-billion-dollar diet industry profits daily from our insecurities. And is any of it making us healthier? No, not really. 

In this video we throw caution to the wind and build awareness of how a well-meaning diet or positive lifestyle change can easily take an unintended twist and lead us down a dark path of body loathing. In the name of improving our health, we can easily become distracted from God's purpose for our lives. 

3. Mindful Eating

You may be wondering, "Well, if dieting isn't the answer, then what am I supposed to eat?" This week we'll answer that question and more. 

We'll describe how to start shifting your thinking away from a dieting mentality and the constant strive for thinness, towards a more holistic health mindset. You will learn about God's goodness in creating our bodies in such a way that he gave us cues such as hunger, fullness, and energy levels. 

These very signals He gave us are what we can use to guide us to eat the ideal amounts. We don't have to eliminate any food. In fact, when we eliminate food, we tend to obsess about that food even more. Balance and variety are a wonderful motto when it comes to food choice, along with flexibility and grace on the journey. Food is meant to be enjoyed, celebrated, and cherished. We have a creative God who created the earth with an amazing spread of tantalizing foods that He wants us to delight in. 

4. Be Joyful

In this week we will touch on exercise, or what we like to call it “joyful movement.” This is adopting healthy habits for the sake of health, well-being and fun (rather than weight control). We will also talk about body acceptance which means celebrating our differences in body shapes and sizes. Developing body confidence and seeing health as much more than a number on a scale.

5. Be Loved

You are LOVED. Oh, you are loved so very much by our incredibly loving God. He delights in you. He loves you just the way you are, in your current body. He loves you the same whether you eat a salad for dinner or a burger and fries. His love for you is never-changing and unending. 

We will spend some time soaking in that truth. Truly believing you are loved changes everything. When you believe you are loved, and you believe you are worthy of love, you may find that you actually WANT to take care of the amazing vessel that is your body. 

Perhaps for years you've hated your body, thinking that it will motivate you to make health-supporting changes. Is it working? Consider switching gears and instead developing a self-compassion mindset. Consider loving yourself first. We take care of things we love.

6. Be Grateful

Nothing you can do will cause God to love you more than He already does and nothing you do will cause Him to love you any less. Body peace and acceptance is possible when we aim to see ourselves the way God sees us. This week we will talk about some practical things we can take along on the journey with us. We will discuss “gentle nutrition” as a guide to help planning our eating, and we will even discuss some recipes that are nourishing and satisfying. Participants will also be given ideas and resources for next steps.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the background of the people who created this study?

The creators of this bible study are Christian Registered Dietitians, some holding doctorate level degrees in nutrition. They are professing Christians that believe Jesus is their Lord and savior, but do not have a theology background nor subscribe to a certain theology.

Can I use this study for my small group?

YES! We created this version from our original Food Freedom Bible Study specifically so that people could bring it into their churches and use it has a small group bible study.

If I don’t like the program, can I get a refund?

Because Food Freedom Bible Study is a digital product, we do not offer refunds.

How long is the bible study?

We have designed to be broken up into 6 weeks. We recommend allowing at least an hour each week to complete the study however there are plenty of discussion questions and scripture to mediate on so it could take some groups an hour and a half to two hours if you wanted it to.

 Is the content recorded live or can I watch it anytime?

All the content is pre-recorded and is available to you 24/7.

Will this program accommodate people with disabilities?

We have provided a separate document of the video script for those who are hard of hearing.

Is there a cost?

 Yes. You can purchase the content for your church and provide to your small group leaders or you have individuals sign up for the course. The pricing structures are below.

  • 90-day access: plenty of time enough to go through the bible study once - $97

  • Year access, enough to go through 4 times a year or winter, spring, summer, fall quarter if that is how your church breaks up small groups. -  $297

  • Lifetime access - $497

Although not necessary to complete the study we highly recommend purchasing our 30-day devotional for participants to use with the course. Those can be purchased in bulk at a discount or individually for $9.99 here.

 Additional questions? Reach out to Nicole at nicole@bodybloved.com


Finally a study about food and body image that doesn’t push diet culture’s agenda. Diet culture has infiltrated our places of worship with fatphobic jokes and weight loss as sermon illustrations. We are being held in bondage by the chains of a constant obsession with food and body. Every woman in the church needs this study.
— Tracy Vazquez, body image coach and co-host of We’re Not Weighting podcast

The Food Freedom Bible Study by Body Bloved is the perfect introductory course for anyone who is tired of dieting and ready to take the first step toward whole health & freedom. The videos are thoughtful and easy to understand and the worksheets provide an opportunity for self-reflection. This course addresses breaking free from diets & giving up the pursuit of weight loss so we can step into our purpose and receive the love Jesus freely gives.
— Alyssa Pike, Registered Dietitian at gratefully nourished

Food Freedom Bible Study gave me hope that lasting freedom from food, weight and exercise obsession IS possible. Rooted in the truth of God’s Word, Food Freedom Bible Study reminded me of God’s great love for me just as I am, opened my eyes to new truths about the dangers of dieting, and provided practical tools to assist me in making changes to how I think about and treat my body. I plan to refer often to the Food Freedom material as I continue to walk the path of healing in this area of my life.
— Leah Waldie, Mom of four

Legal Disclaimer: Food Freedom Bible Study is for study purposes only and is not to be taken or used in replacement of medical advice. If you think you have an eating disorder please consult a medical doctor, Registered Dietitian or Licensed Therapist for help.