Following His Lead Towards Food and Body Peace

I love Jesus. And I want desperately to say that I’m a follower of Jesus. I mean I am. Or at least I attempt it daily. But here’s the thing, I don’t follow anyone very well. I like to think I can be a leader in some situations and a follower in other situation. The truth is… following is hard for me.
I want control. I want to be in control. I want to control others.
My first hint was 20 years ago in that ballroom dance class I took in college. Following the lead of my partner was hard, especially when it felt like my partner didn’t know what he was doing.
I feel that way about God often. God, are you sure you know what you’re doing? I don’t like how things are going here, so…
I better take the lead.
Anyone else?
Here at BodyBLoved, our mission is to “empower you in discovering healing relationships with food, fitness and body image through the unconditional love of God.”
We’re attempting to turn diet culture on its head – wave a white flag to dieting and surrender. Surrender to the One who wants to be in control – our loving Father.
This paradigm shift requires serious trust and FOLLOWING. A previous dieting brain might think:
· I can control my weight, I just have to be better tomorrow.
· If I just eat a certain number of calories each day, I can get my weight under control
· I need to not keep potato chips in the house. I feel out of control.
See that word ‘control’? It pops up in all of these diet-culture-driven thoughts.
God doesn’t say in the Bible, “Control your weight. Control your food.” He sent His son Jesus to say, “Let go, I’ve got this.”
In Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus says:
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes?
And in John 14:27 Jesus says:
“Peace I leave with. you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
He does not give as the world gives. The world says control everything – including your food and body. The world says take the lead. Work harder. Find willpower. Control. God says, hand it all on over to me and I will lead you beside still waters and refresh your soul (Psalm 23:2). God says follow. TRUST. Let go.
What does follow and trust look like in your own walk towards food and body peace?
Perhaps it’s trusting the cues of hunger the Lord gave you to guide your eating, or trusting that feeling of fullness in your belly will tell you when you’ve eaten just the right amount. Or maybe trusting that potato chips will always be “there” and you can always enjoy them (in a savoring, mindful, gratitude-driven way) when the craving hits.
Balanced meals and joyful movement are great but pursue those patterns to fuel your body well and take good care of yourself, not to control your weight.
Restriction and control aren’t needed on the path towards improved health and well-being. Instead, trust that He made you and He adores your unique characteristics and qualities – no body changes necessary.
We’re all a work in progress. Believe me. I like to say it is “imperfect progress”.
Here’s to becoming better followers in our days to come. Not followers of diet culture, but instead, followers of Jesus. He has what we need.
Do you want freedom from food struggles and body hate for yourself and your brothers and sisters in Christ? We can do better. We’ve created an online video bible study. That’s why we’ve created a solution. To get notified on the updates on our course make sure you sign up here. You'll also be getting a free encouraging download for signing up!

Dawn is an Associate Professor of Nutrition and a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. She is a wife and a mother to an amazing 13-year old boy. Dawn enjoys finding creative ways to spread the word that God’s unconditional love can bring healing to every broken relationship, including one with food.