To empower people in discovering healing relationships with food, fitness and body image through the unconditional love of God

Diet Detox: 30 Day Devotional to Ditching Diets and Claiming Christ's Love

Diet Detox: 30 Day Devotional to Ditching Diets and Claiming Christ's Love

Sale Price:$9.99 Original Price:$10.99

It’s time to lay down your diet shakes, cleanses and detoxes. Just lay them right on down…at the foot of the cross. Whatever you’re counting – calories, grams, points, steps, macros – you have our permission to stop, quit striving, rest, and re-evaluate. 

We would love for you have this little devotional in your small group or bible study this year! Thats why we want to make it possible for you to purchase one to give to everyone in your group and save money. Use the code “DIETDETOX” at checkout to save 20% on your total purchase price!

If you would like to order multiple copies or are interested in receiving a bulk order discount please email us at nicole@bodybloved.com.

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About the Authors

This little devotional was written by a team of folks – married, single, stay-at-home parents, working parents, health care professionals, but most importantly children of God. We all care about the same thing – helping others heal in their relationship with food and fully embrace their unique bodies, which were meant to be different shapes and sizes. We believe that every body is a good body!

Our hope for you is that through this daily devotional, you will find the courage to stop stressing about food and start putting it back into its place as just one minor piece of your life. We pray for complete healing from struggles surrounding food, exercise and body image. Jesus came so that peace and love would reign over war and hate. As a culture, we are at war with our bodies. We declare body peace to reign over body hate.

What People Are Saying…

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“Diet Detox speaks grace to the hidden shame we feel about our bodies. It breaths truth into the lies of diet culture—a culture that would have us believe we’re only loveable if we look a certain way, or weigh a certain number. It’s time God’s children fought back against these lies, in this devotional the Body Bloved team does just that.”


“If you have ever felt the weight of trying to figure out food and failing, or just need a gentle reminder that the kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, I would recommend Diet Detox. I’m confident you’ll look forward to each day of this 30-day journey as a way to reset your sight on the Lord, to renew your thanksgiving for His daily bread, and to grow stronger in grace.”


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I struggled for so long with chronic dieting and disordered eating and body hatred. I always tried to "do better" or to pray away the temptation to always want to lose weight. But in the end, there was more to it--I was looking to dieting as a coping mechanism for the emptiness I felt inside. I love this book because it addresses just that! I love how it clearly points to Jesus as the satisfier of our souls and that losing weight will never bring us the joy that our Savior can. I love how practical it is, too, because it debunks all the myths we have believed about calories and exercise and diets.


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As an eating disorder specialist and a recovered individual, this book nourishes my soul daily. Driven by the truth of God’s word and delivered in a personable, compassionate way, it will set fire in your bones with more peace in your heart! It’s easy to read, short, but with great depth and immediate application. I recommend It to many clients and read it regularly to keep my self refreshed in the Truth for my professional work while protecting my own recovery.

— JN

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Reading Diet Detox opened my eyes to the undercover body shaming I’d been living in. I didn’t realize all of the ways the diet culture had seeped into my thoughts about my self image. I noticed an immediate change in the grace I have for myself and am learning to listen to my natural body cues more. I will reread this devotional over and over again as a reminder of who God says I am and to claim the freedom waiting for me on the over side of diet culture.



Food Freedom Bible Study

Diet Detox Devotional pairs perfectly with our online course Food Freedom Bible Study. Take this 3 week course, a simple, gospel-centered program for breaking the bondage of food, exercise and body issues along side the 30- day Diet Detox Devotional to ditch the diet mentality and apply healthier principles to your life.

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Food Freedom Bible Study - For Dietitians

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Food Freedom Bible Study

Sponsor Someone To Take Food Freedom Bible Study

Sponsor Someone To Take Food Freedom Bible Study

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BUNDLE Diet Detox: 30 Day Devotional to Ditching Diets and Claiming Christ's Love and Food Freedom Bible Study

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Gift Someone Food Freedom Bible Study
